Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Dress For Success / Communication is Key

Here we are again.. it's been weeks since my last few posts and I begin to notice that as the months go on.. I have been posting less and less. Life has taken a huge turn for me lately and hopefully for the best. I recently moved back home in Mississauga with my brother and mother. For those who don't know, I was living on my own and boy did I learn some valuable lessons. It was great having the freedom and being independent. We all want to move out on our own and do our own thang once we hit a certain age and for me I started very young. One thing I learned though.. it is very costly to live on your own. Over the past year, I lost about 12 grand which I probably could have saved had I lived at home. 12 grand is a lot to me cause I only make about 40k a year and thats before taxes. The 12 grand hit is out of the money I made after taxes so it's at least a third of my annual income. Anyways.. the point is I'm back in Sauga and I'm trying to make a change. I have quit a lot of the bad habits I have picked up over the years and I don't go partying or chill with my friends very often anymore. I have set a lot of goals to be accomplished over the next 2 years and failure is definitely not an option for me. I'm becoming more disciplined and hard working and only continuing now to improve my skills.

This post is going to hopefully provide you with another important lesson in becoming successful and remind myself of what are some important factors I need to maintain and improve as I grow. This may already be known to some of you but I still feel some still do not know this. First is your public image. We live in a world where people tend to judge a book by it's cover and it's unfortunate but it is reality. We all should come to realize that. Take for example a person who is going to apply for a job or even for a job interview. There will be plenty of other candidates and if you were the person hiring, you would have to base it on the first impression. Your appearance says a lot about you. How clean cut you are, how pressed your clothes are and how well put together your clothes are. All these little attention to detail things will may not seem like alot but there really do play their part. You always have to compare yourself to others who are better then you in order to excel. If two people came into my office with the same skill set but one is dressed properly in business attire and one in casual, who would I choose? The answer is clear.

Even if you are doing something as simple as meeting your boyfriend/girlfriend's parents or family. They will judge you first on your appearance as well and treat you the way they feel they should treat you based upon your look. Like I said, even though people shouldn't judge a person by their physical appearance, in reality.. we all do it. If your brother brought home a girl who was dressed scandalous and had a lot of skin showing, what would be your first thought? If your sister brought home a guy all thugged out in baggy clothes and tattoos, what would you think? It's always easy for us to defend ourselves about how we are and look but when it comes to someone else, we become hypocrites.

As you get older, you must always maintain your reputation as well as your image. People will judge you upon that, always. Until you get to a point where you are successful and the best at what you do, you can dress and be however you want because at that point.. your success speaks for itself and it doesn't matter anymore what people think of you because your actions are louder then your words and appearance. Invest in yourself and I guarantee it will help. You must look the part that you want to be. If you want to be taken serious, you will have to present yourself the way you want to be perceived.

Communication. A lot of us grew up to media's influence and causes us to use words that don't even exist and grammar which is totally wrong. Yes, I'm talking about slang and slurs. In life I've learned that the most important tool that everyone has is their mouth. The way you speak. The way you phrase your sentences and the vocabulary you use. The way you talk can get you into places and obtain things you want just by the way you say something. Everything is based on communication. Communication among family, communication in your workplace, between your spouse, between your business partners, etc. Without communication, life would be pointless.

How well you do in an interview is based on how well spoken you are. How well your relationships go is how well you are able to communicate with your other half. How well your team progresses and is how well you are able to communicate ideas and objectives amongst each other. Why do you think people always say reading is good for you. Because not only are you gaining knowledge but you learn words that you can use. Do you think Obama would be where he is today if he wasn't well spoken? Have you ever actually heard Arnold Schwarzenegger talk now? He's the Governor of California.. He is damn good at english even though his accent is hilarious.

Take for example you want to show someone your very thankful for what they've done for you and you would like them to always be able to do things for you. You can either say "Thank you." or you can say "Thank you very much, I really do appreciate what you've done and it means alot to me." Both mean the same thing but which sounds better? Or how bout an interview sentence such as "I really would like this job because I think I would be good for it." Or how about "I strongly feel that this job suits me because if given the opportunity, I will accelerate and perform to the best of my ability and accomplish any task you provide to me." Get the point? Build your grammar and vocabulary and make yourself into a person which people will respect and take seriously.

You can easily make someone smile by saying something.. you can make someone laugh by saying something.. you can make someone cry by saying something.. Your words are so powerful you don't even realize. A simple sentence can change everything. Learn to master your communication skills and you will master a big part of your life. You can obtain so many things you want just by simply saying things. Now I'm not saying to go start talking smack or telling a bunch of lies. But whoever is taking this post seriously will understand what I mean. Communication is key.

These are very simple things we can all learn to improve on but will take us much further down the road of success and give ourselves a more respectful image and career orientated state of mind. You can either keep doing what your doing and be all g'd up or you can take yourself serious and so will others. When people need someone to help represent them in a professional way, they will think of you. When people think of intelligence and need a business oriented person who will make a great addition to their team or company, they will think of you. Your public image and your speech will take you further then you can imagine. Remember...

You'll never know unless you try..

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