Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It's All About Timing

One more post for July.. Time is flying and it seems to only go faster and faster everyday. Sometimes I wonder how I even got this far and to only think how much further I have to go and how little time there is. It's said that time is the only thing money cannot buy yu and I am not here to argue that. What I can say is that yu can use time to make money though. Obviouslyyy lol. Did you ever think.. yu knew yu were going to be where yu are today 5-10 years ago? Become the person that yu are or come this far or this little? Do yu ever just sit down and think about all the time yu've possibly wasted and regret certain moments where yu could have done better?

I'm sure all of us has certain times where we've wasted away on useless things and only wished that we could have used it more wisely. On the other hand, it has shaped us into the person we are today. But are yu satisfied where yu are today? Could yu have possibly been better? Are yu truly happy if your living a mediocre life with a mediocre job? Have yu already decided to settle for less? Why? I hear people always talking about what car theyre going to get or what type of house they're going to live in but based on where they are today.. I don't see how they are even going to get there anytime soon. If you say yu want this car which costs over $50,000. But yu work and make only $30000 a year, and live paycheque to paycheque. When are yu going to get this car? 10 years from now?

If life is short and yu can die at any given moment.. Why use that as an excuse not to try harder? To use your time more productively and constantly push yourself to do better with all this spare time. If yu want to have all these nice things.. wouldn't yu want it now? Or at the very least sometime in the very near future? How can yu tell people and yourself that yu want all these nice things in life and experience different adventures if all yu do is spend more then yu make and use your spare time doing nothing beneficial to your future? I know a lot of people are going to say things like yu should just live for the moment and enjoy it because life isn't about becoming rich or whatever. This is where the separation lies between your average joe and someone successful. A person who has become successful, would never say such things and has worked hard their whole life to get where they are. I do understand we must live for the moment and money can't buy love, time, etc.. but lets face facts. EVERYTHING ELSE in life cost money. If yu want to eat to survive, yu need money. If yu want to raise a family, yu need money. If yu want to have a home, yu need money. If yu want to give something yu know will put a smile on someone yu care about's face, yu need money.

If yu choose to make only enough to do what it takes to survive, I am sure your not doing a career yu love and yu will deal with a lot of stress to obtain those things and only drain yourself even more by obtaining things of which yu desire and want. Yu don't have to make millions in order to be happy. Yu need to be able to at least find a career which provides slightly more then enough income and happiness for yu. A career which yu love to do and are passionate about. Problem is.. how do we obtain this career. And that's why I say time is your answer. Use your time efficiently to set yu down the path which will lead yu to what yu want to do for the majority of your life. It may be researching and googling things online about a certain field your interested in. It may be getting in contact with people who are in that field and learning from them. Getting jobs that are related to that field so yu can gain enough knowledge and experience to get yu closer to your career of choice.

Why continue to live and stress every morning about going to work at some dead end job which yu hate doing. Some people have bills to pay and I can understand why yu are still doing what your doing. But that doesn't mean yu have to remain there forever. Keep moving forward. Use your time and money wisely. Start applying for jobs yu like with same or more pay. Save, invest and do it now. If yu start now, 5 years from now your money will have at least tripled and yu have something to work with. It's like if yu started investing money at the age of 18 with $1000. By the time yu hit 25, yu will have ten times what yu started with and now your future is more secure and yu already have an advantage over someone who is like 30 and still trying to make ends meat. When yu start while your young, if anything happens, yu can try again and start over. If your 30 and up and have a family, if something happens, your fcuked. It's not going to be easy to just pick yourself up again and start over when yu have mouths to feed and have no choice but to only take what yu can asap. If yu start planning, taking chances, taking risks and working towards your future at a young age, what's going to stop yu from obtaining your goals?

Use your time that yu have off to progress. Life isn't an event. Its about progress. Keep moving forward and improving. Don't waste time because time is always ticking. Time is money. If yu want money.. then put in the time to get it. Don't wake up one day and say.. Man WTF am I doing.. I am in the exact same place I was 5 years ago. Any older person or financial adviser will tell yu that if yu work hard and save at a young age, success awaits yu. If yu wait too long, someone else will have taken your opportunity and yu will be left with only the leftovers. Which side of the fence will yu be on?

If yu don't save $5000 this year.. how will yu ever get to $20000? If yu don't save $20000.. how will yu ever get to $100000? If yu dont workout starting this summer.. How can yu be fit for next summer? If yu dont finish school this year.. How will yu graduate next year? If yu don't graduate this year.. how will yu obtain that career yu want next year? If yu don't obtain that career this year.. how will yu ever live the life yu wanted from the start?

If yu don't start now.. when will yu ever start?
Your actions today.. will shape your tomorrow.

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