Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Chapter One

i guess this is where it all kind of starts.. this is the post that will open the door to either a bunch of boring rants and routines or the milestone to pursuit of self knowledge and creating an interesting enough blog to keep people entertained.. but honestly i still dont think i am that interesting at all compared to other people i know. truthfully i had a very hard time picking out a clever name for my blog but every one i thought of was not available. (which i thought really sucked but what are yu gonna do) anyways, as yu can see i am very new at this and i already sidetracked huge from the real reason why yu even continued to read this far. a brief introduction of myself is needed i think. but.. maybe that boring stuff can wait till later.. maybe i should write something that would give yu a very good first impression. maybe some good food for thought. i always did really want to be able to tell someone about my theories, advice and experiences on life but i never really want to bore someone with my life stories or whatever cause they probably wouldn't care. lets start with the quote i have selected for this blog. "you'll never know unless you try".. growing up for me was fairly tough.. im sure some of yu are aware from reading off my brother's blog. and if you didnt lets just say every family has their problems. when i officially pursued becoming independant and living on my own, (the reason we will get into another day) i learned that while i was beginning to go down this path which my family did not approve of me doing. i have gone through alot of mistakes and experiences that have changed my life forever. i can say today that maybe it was never the best idea for me to move out on my own because i am still very young but .. you'll never know unless you try.. i have already made my decision.. there is no point for me to regret or become upset and doubt myself now.. i've already made it this far and i've become quite successful in my courses of actions.. i obtained a 40k job at the age of 19.. which unfortunately i was laid off last year. but now i currently am working at a jewellery store in sales which pays about the same. i have my own car and my own apt. i may not be successful as i set out to be.. but that will come in time.. people i notice tend to beat themselves up over decisions or mistakes they've made and allow it to emotionally bring them down and lose their confidence and begin doubting themselves for future opportunities.. we are human and we make mistakes.. in most cases.. people learn much more knowledge from failing then succeeding. for example "some people just have to learn the hard way". in any case scenario you should always be striving to win it with confidence and determination (not saying that skill, technique,practice, and knowledge dont play their part). but you will never truly know you can accomplish something unless you give it 112% percent every time. now i know reallistically no one can really go 112% every single time.. but hey.. you'll never know unless you try right? if you want to succeed in anything.. you have to give it your all and if you fall down.. just dust yourself off and try again. its simple.. how can you expect to win something if all you think about is losing or what would happen if you lose. now i'm not saying to pursue every opportunity without a little bit of caution, but to use your discretion. every scenario requires a different solution in life. life is unpredictable but thats what makes life great.. you cannot expect to succeed at everything and yu cannot expect to become perfect and sunshines and rainbows everyday. but thats where the beauty lies.. because of the balance of good and bad. if you dont have bad days.. you would never appreciate the good days.. life would be boring.. now im not sayin i agree and hope i have a bad day.. i want to strive for a good day everyday.. because i've been through enough bad days to appreciate the good ones.. and no matter what.. things will happen.. bad things are inevitable..but how you learn from it and do whatever it takes to avoid it.. you will see better days as you choose. life is so beautiful.. you only get one shot at it.. there is so much wonders in the world for you to explore and learn. why settle for less. they say knowledge is power for a reason. because the more you know.. the more yu can achieve and have the capabilities and knowledge to achieve it. you only get to live once.. so why not experience as much as possible and do whatever it is your heart desires. if you try hard enough.. and continue to keep trying even if you hit a few small bumps in the road or plans dont work out to plan.. i promise you.. that what you want most out of life.. will be yours (if another person can do it, why cant you?).. because you are the key to your own future. you are the only person standing in your way of success and happiness.

i written quite a bit and if your still reading.. *mike tips his hat (stole that from will lol) the conclusion of this post is basically saying that no matter what it is your doing or wanting in life.. you'll never know unless you try.

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