Monday, March 8, 2010

How Was Your Day?

When I first told myself that I should write a blog. One of the reasons to do it was because I didn't want to write a diary of my life however I really wanted to be able to look back and actually remember in more detail of how my life has gone by. People who know me know I have a very bad memory. When I get old (past my fifty's), I want to be able to actually read through in detail of how my younger days were and actually be able to re-live them again for old times sake.

I didn't really plan on writing a post like this until about 5 mins ago so I am winging it just so you know. So.. how have the past 3 months gone for me.. It's definitely been quite a roller coaster. I guess I'll recap from the beginning of January.

2010 definitely started off with a bang for me. I rang in the new year at a very upscale party downtown with my brother and some friends. When I say upscale, I'm talking dress code to the tee. (Suits, ties, dress clothes, shoes, caviar, champagne, rich white people mostly, the works) It was a great feeling to surround myself in an environment like that because I was able to talk to and be around other successful individuals and get a feel of the type of direction I wanted to go towards in life. Another great thing about the party was that it was open bar. (Score!) I also remember getting a lot of free things. I was given an Iphone (it was the first generation iphone with 8gb) from my dad because he found it in a restaurant and he didn't know how to use it. And it happen right after I lost my blackberry. (Oh how I miss you bb buddy) Soon after that I found a 3G 16gb Iphone while I was at work. Like what are the chances lol. I also received a lot of other free things I can't seem to remember. There were small things but free nonetheless. See what I mean by I have a bad memory. I can't recall anything else much significant remaining in January but I could easily have forgotten just like a lot of other things. Other then that, in terms of work.. It was DEAD! Like obviously everyone was broke from Christmas and recession so I guess I couldn't really complain.

February rolled around and love was in the air. Not for me though lol still single pringle. Work started to get a bit busy cause of Valentines but still dead nonetheless. Again my memory is still a bit fuzzy so I can't really recall much except buying games like Bayonetta and Assassin's Creed 2 which occupied a bit of my time. Middle of February came and I remember driving to work early on a Saturday morning following all traffic laws when suddenly I see flashing lights in my rearview. And that's when I was informed of the license suspension. It was a dark day in the Michael Pham house. After that I was not allowed to drive my vehicle and boy did I feel miserable. But hey, everything happens for a reason. I began walking to close by locations and taking the TTC more often. I realize that as I am always speeding through life in my car, I never get a chance to slow down and actually appreciate my surroundings. I also notice that I see much more people as I take the TTC versus staying hidden in my all black tinted car. Either way though.. I would still prefer driving lol. But I guess it's nice once and awhile to be able to slow down and enjoy the little things in life.

And now we have arrived here. March 2010. I recently finished diamond training at work and am now a "diamond expert". Sounds cool but not as very complex as it sounds. I am now 6-7 months into my current job and have progressed very well. I have been put in charge of all watches within the store as well as watch merchandising. (Basically making sure that all the displays and presentations of the watches are done correctly as well as putting together new decor as I see fit.) I am being put to work more then other sales people as my head office manager's have been very pleased with my sales performance and hope to groom me into a manager for their store. That will come in a year or so of hard work but unfortunately for now, I gotta pay the cost to be the boss.

And now I am here.. blogging about myself which most of you would probably care less but I hope that this will bring back some little memories for myself in the future. Even though nothing very significant happened in the past 3 months. It's a start and I know I will continue to progress and move forward to bigger and better things. Tomorrow is my day off and my game I have been anticipating is also being released tomorrow. So yes, I am a video game nerd and will definitely be occupied for most of my day tomorrow. If I don't blog for awhile, you'll know why lol. I may also be revisiting this post and making possible edits if some other significant memories hit me over the next few days. Anyways, good night friends. Thanks for your continued support of my blog and I hope I can keep you entertained as usual.

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