Saturday, February 27, 2010

No More Zoom Zoom

So I'm sure most of you already know that I recently had my license suspended. I have tried to go to the offense court to have it resolved as it was not my fault to why it was suspended. Just to recap real quick, I was charged with a speeding ticket driving on the DVP. It was a 106 km/hr in a 90 zone. Nothing too crazy but on the ticket, the officer wrote my postal code wrong. I was told and assumed that once an officer makes a mistake on your ticket, that it should be thrown out. That however was not the case when I had filed it for court. They told me it doesn't matter and I should wait for the court notice to come in the mail within the next 6 months. As time went by, nothing showed up regarding it. The Chinese new year weekend, I was driving to work and following all traffic laws then suddenly I see flashing lights in my rear view. The officer asks me my name and asks if I was aware that my license was suspended. I said no I was completely unaware of this. He stated that it was for unpaid fines. I said there aren't any unpaid fines I'm aware of. He took my license and advised me to go to the ministry of transportation for more information. He then advised me to park my car near by or have it towed. I obviously parked it.

I went to the ministry a couple days ago and boy, was it packed. When it came to my turn after waiting 1.5 hours. I explained my situation. The lady said okay, you have two options then. You either pay the fine (which is nothing, $85 for speeding and $150 to get my license back) or you can reopen your file for court but if you do that, your license will be suspended until your court date which could be 6 months from now. I was like, might as well pay for the fine, but then I realize that if I pay for the fine, means that I would be pleading guilty which will result to another increase on my already sky high insurance. I told her I'd have to think before I made my decision.

I have spoken to a lot of my older siblings and friends to figure out the best course of action and obviously everyone has told me to just go to court. So now I won't be driving for at least 6 months which sucks but what can I do right. It also had made me realize how much money I've wasted on this car which I could have saved up this whole year. I am spending at least $800-$1000 a month just on the car which I barely use because since I started work at Eaton Center, I've been riding the rocket to work cause parking is insane. ($25 a day)

I have told myself that I should just try selling the car now and grind for a year or two and save up money because obviously 10 grand a year is a lot of money that can be used for better investment purposes. Don't get me wrong, a car is definitely convenient and makes life much easier but if I can manage to hold off on it for another year or two, I think the money I would be saving would benefit me more in the long run. So no more zoom zoom for me.

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